98/365 — A.S.O. App Store Optimization — Basic Intro <Eng>


Ching / 慶
4 min readMay 22, 2021

My boss called me last week for sharing what she learnt — A.S.O.! — for around 10 minutes. I have never heard it before so decided to figure it out this weekend. After making a hand-writing note, I thought it might be a good idea to make it into powerpoint. Therefore, this article is mainly composed by slides.
I hope it helpful for anyone who is as curious as me :D

First of all, introduce terms and factors.

I did not notice that there was no period after the upper right O until now.


Before learning A.S.O., it’d be better to figure out terminology. I listed the ones I was not familiar with. Perhaps they are simply general knowledge for others though.


It’s SUPER important to remember that each language / region / platform has different data. We all know that the users are different, but it’s still easy to be forgotten while doing research and data collection for any unexperienced people like me.

Also, the crossed image was an Apple I copied from Facebook emoticon section. Somehow it failed to be exported. And the circled G is Google Play.


I did not know <html> could be applied in describtion in Google Play and the screenshots design points until I did some research.

It reminded me the importance to keep learning different subjects. They might not be relevant to my major but they might be helpful someday in other places.

ICON design is also essential for catching users’ attentions. It mainly belongs to UI design so I did not write too much info of it in this file.


Like what one of my coworker always told me, be as small as possible. Even though it doesn’t matter for iOS users, as long as we are planning to release apps to Google Play, it shall be small.

Thanksfully, there are handful free image compressors online, and Adobe provides great pdf compressor here:

Audios could be compressed by Audacity.
It took me 1 hour to learn all basic editing functions so I highly recommend newbies spend some time learning this free and powerful audio editor.

Video > Adobe Media Encoder
It needs monthly subscribtion but totally worthwhile.


Secondly, introduce how to deal with keywords.


Remember to be a SPY & THIEF for data collection :D


If the traffic is not high enough, there is no profit to use the keyword. If the difficulty is too high, which means it’s too competitive, we newbies will never get the chance to beat huge monsters and be visible by users but buried in the bottom.

It’s like a race / exam in my imagination, once we run faster / get a better score than the others, they will try their best to catch up with us. That’s why the data should be updated to make sure if we are still faster.

But once the organic downloads are enough, i.e. instagram users initiatively download the app without any commercials, there is no need to promote for downloads but for other events.

For example, Food Panda invite users to download the app to get NTD$500 coupon, now its campaign had turned to invite users upgrade to be a PRO and pay monthly. If you download and register now, you got nothing at all because Food Panda doesn’t need to attract new users anymore in Taiwan. It’s kind of like boiling frogs theory. (The theory is proved to be incorrect by TED-ED, btw.)

Thanks for reading and I hope it helps :D



Ching / 慶

Volunteer English Teacher & Human Observer & GMap Lv. 9 Local Guide & History Lover & Digital Marketer & Data Analyst & Illustrator & Citizen Journalist & More